immediately, the Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) has re-issued a Fire Alert for
all 67 counties in the state. In the 32 northern counties (roughly north of Interstate
20), no burn permits will be issued. In the 35 southern counties (south of Interstate
20), certified prescribed burn managers will have the option to obtain a one-day
burn permit. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Anyone who burns a field,
grassland, or woodland without a burn permit may be subject to prosecution for
committing a Class B misdemeanor.
the past seven days, AFC wildland firefighters have responded to 111 wildfires that
scorched more than 1,881 acres of forestland in Alabama. Drought conditions are
expected to worsen as no rain is forecast for the next week, and October is
historically the state's driest month. This extremely dry weather creates a
greater-than-average potential for outdoor fires to escape easily and spread
rapidly, taking longer – and more firefighting resources – to contain and
ultimately control.
To report
a wildfire, call the Alabama Forestry Commission at (800) 392-5679. For more
information on the current wildfire situation in the state or any other forestry-related
issues, contact your local AFC office or visit the agency website at www.forestry.alabama.gov/Pages/Fire/Totals.aspx
The Alabama Forestry Commission is the
state agency committed to protecting Alabama’s invaluable forest assets as well
as its citizens.