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September 30, 2009
Parent Involvement Month

Montgomery, Ala. - October is Statewide Parent Involvement Month in Alabama public schools. This year’s theme is “Families and Schools – Perfect Partners!”


Each year, the Alabama State Board of Education emphasizes the importance of parents and community in the overall success of public schools by making this designation.


“We designate the month of October for this emphasis but we encourage educators to promote parent and family involvement year round,” said Renée Callen, Parent Involvement Month Coordinator, Alabama Department of Education. “A parent is a child’s first teacher so the partnership between home and school is vital to a child’s success in school.”


Public schools across the state are planning special activities this month to thank parents and to encourage them to visit and become more active in their children’s education. Contact your local public schools about their specific events.


Local school events are educational, fun and varied. They include parent awareness training, regional meetings on current topics of interest such as bullying and flu vaccines, “Lunch and Learn” speakers, a school uniform fashion show, a systemwide traveling trophy for the school with the most parents attending, “Doughnuts with Dads,” “Muffins with Moms,” parent-teacher conferences, open houses, career and health fairs, showcases of student work, nutrition and parent education activities, and a parents vs. students basketball game.


Visit and volunteer in Alabama public schools during October and throughout the school year. For more information, visit www.alsde.edu, contact Reneé Callen at 334-242-8038 or rcallen@alsde.edu, and watch Alabama Live on WSFA 12 at 11 a.m., Monday, October 5.



Renee Callen

Renée Callen

Parent Involvement Month Coordinator

Alabama Department of Education


For more information, visit:  http://www.alsde.edu/