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September 23, 2009
EDUCATING ALABAMA STUDENTS ON THE CHANGING PLANET: Auburn University and Alabama Department of Education awarded more than half a million dollars from NASA

Montgomery, AL - Auburn University’s College of Sciences and Mathematics, in collaboration with the Alabama State Department of Education, has been awarded $600,000 from NASA to produce modules in the varying science focus areas of global climate change. The program, Bringing Global Climate Change Education to Alabama Classroom,s will partner with the Alabama Science in Motion (ASIM) program to effectively train teachers and educate students in Grades 9-12 about the changing planet. 


Steve Ricks, Director of the Alabama Math, Science and Technology Initiative (AMSTI), said the partnership with Auburn University will allow Alabama’s teachers and their students to experience first-hand how scientists investigate global change.  Teachers and students will gain unique insight into the science behind one of the most prevalent scientific issues of our time – the environment and its effect on our lives. “Different aspects of global climate change and its impact on Earth can be debated,” Ricks said. “But regardless of where you stand on the issues, learning how science is applied to study the planet and its climate will help our students acquire the skills needed to compete in a global economy.”  


Lesson plans can range from students playing the role of a carbon atom as it cycles between Earth and the atmosphere to students using computer models to analyze saltwater intrusion in coastal regions. Students will also utilize tools such as NASA data/satellite imagery and Google Earth to analyze the effects of climate change on global carbon storage and release. Several learning modules will allow students to collect real data from local water sources to evaluate the effects of climate change on water quality and availability.   


Also awarded was an additional $100,000 from NASA. The additional funds will in part be used to host a Climate Change symposium at Auburn University.


An interdisciplinary group of Auburn University faculty members that includes: Dr. Kevin Fielman, Biological Sciences; Dr. Ming-Kuo Lee, Geology and Geography; Dr. Yu Lin, Physics; Dr. Luke Marzen, Geology and Geography and Dr. Marllin Simon, Physics, will serve as Co-PIs to develop interactive education modules designed to engage high school students on the changes in the Earth's climate and its effect on weather, carbon cycle and ecosystems, climate variability change, and atmospheric composition using NASA resources.


Lead teachers from Alabama schools associated with the project are Emily S. Wheeles of Benjamin Russell High School, Jennifer Cox of Stanhope Elmore High School, and Laura Steltenpohl of Auburn High School.


“Our ability to partner with AMSTI-ASIM is unique. Within three years, our hands-on, inquiry-based experiments will be incorporated in the high school curriculum across the state of Alabama with the goal of creating a climate literate society,” explains Dr. Marie Wooten, Associate Dean for Research and Principal Investigator of the project.



GCCE Team: Bringing Global Climate Change Education to Alabama Classrooms


Front Row: (L to R) Laura Steltenpohl, Lead Physics Teacher; Wei Ren, Graduate Consultant;. Martha Anne Allison, AMSTI-ASIM Science Specialist, AL State Department of Education

Second Row: (L to R) Cathy Miller, Science in Motion Physics Specialist; Marie Wooten, Principal Investigator; Mary Lou Ewald, Outreach Evaluator; Emily Wheeles, Lead Biology Teacher; Roger Birkhead, Science in Motion Biology Specialist.

Third Row: (L to R) Amy Thomas, Project Coordinator; Jennifer Cox, Lead Chemistry Teacher; Luke Marzen, Scientist; Robin Nelson, Coordinator of Science for AMSTI-ASIM, AL State Department of Education; Kevin Fielman, Scientist.

Back Row: (L to R) Marllin Simon, Project Director; Regina Halpin, Project Evaluator; Ming-Kuo Lee, Scientist; Steve Ricks, AL State Department of Education, Director, Alabama Math, Science, and Technology Initiative.

Not Pictured: Yu Lin, Scientist; Chris McDuffie, AMSTI-ASIM Science Specialist, AL State Department of Education; Paul Norgaard, Science in Motion Chemistry Specialist. 



For more information, visit:  http://www.alsde.edu/